Still nothing about this ghost... Please return to index page.
But don't worry! Soon this page will be completed (or not...), but meanwhile you have lots of things to do in this site!!! like.... uh... hyperlinks? idk theres just some stuff there I thought it was cool.
But there is also my artwork! wait... that's unfinished too... My thoughts maybe? there are some coll stuff there like the day i was making my website in the middle of my class (like I'm doing now), it can be intersting if you wanna know what's in my mind.
Who am i lying to? this site is horrible it's not fun at all. like, it can be a little funny but it's not FUN. Maybe one day it'll be, but now its just boring and it's just looking like a highschooler with 0 freetime is just wasting his time making a website that looks awful (thats actually the truth).
So just mess around here if you like. and if you don't you can just go away and look at other sites in, but some day in the future try comming back here to give me a second chance or even just see how if looks like a few months in the future (if i dont give up on this silly project).
But if you (for some miracle or lack of sanity) follow me i'll really apreciate it, since i'm kinda start to give up on this and knowing that someone is interested on the process realy makes me happy :)
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